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Day 3

Today was the third day of STEMmersion. We created water poems based on a poem called “The Apple Pie That Papa Baked”. We learned about how water is treated, how it is processed, Dayton’s history of its water treatment and much more. The experts from “City of Dayton Water One Source” came talked to us and educated us on how water comes and the process of keeping the water clean and healthy. I learned that the water in the Dayton area comes from an Aquifer that we use for our daily needs. And our drinking water is groundwater and it goes through an enormous process before reaching us.

We also learned how storm drains also play a big role in having healthy water. The process is that when it rains it goes through the storm drains into the pipes to the river. Then the water goes through the layers of sand and gravel and is filtered through ground and becomes ground water. Then through pumps it is pulled back up and goes to the treatment facility then it is filtered through lime scale to make it soft. Then fluoride, carbon dioxide and chlorine are added for taste and for dental health. Then it is filtered again a few more times than it is sent out to the community. I learned many interesting things about water, this makes feel how lucky I am and fortunate to have clean water for daily needs and to drink. I learned that poetry might be something I am interested in doing in the future.

Water poem created:


This is the hill, steep and narrow  

This is the farm, green and fresh  

This is the road, dirty and cold 

This is the gutter, dirty and shallow  

These are the fish, agile and golden  

This is the algae, green and spongy 

This is the river, wet and wild  


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